10: Cutting Words

The crowds in the corridor were beginning to thin as the students, bubbling with holiday spirits, made their way through the twinkling corridors and down to the End of Year feast. Peeves had been hovering…

11: The Rapture

Delilah had expected a long, painful, sleepless night. A tiny House Elf was standing like a sentry at the bottom of the moving staircase when she left Dumbledore’s office, who nodded deferentially to her and…

12: Julius Prenderghast

Delilah slept soundly through to the late morning and woke in a warm, blissful daze. Her limbs felt heavy and weighted, in a way that reminded her of sunbathing by the Pont du Gard when…

13: Touch me

‘Ictusemp-’ ‘ASPHYXIASTUM!’ Snape stepped deftly aside and swiped his wand to deflect the spell an instant before it would have hit him. ‘ASPHYXIASTUM!’ Delilah bellowed again, snarling with fury. Again he deflected the spell, then…

14: Wrong

Severus crashed backwards against the door, wrenching up his robes in desperate haste and fumbling with blind frenzy at the buttons of his trousers, shoved a violently shaking hand into them and gave a stuttering…

15: Ravenclaw

It was one of those days with a strange cloud cover over the city, the sky at once a murky grey in colour and too bright to look at without squinting; a sort of general…

16: The Forest Clearing

The Great Hall was entirely deserted at 7am on Saturday morning when Delilah sat down and poured herself a cup of coffee. Even the teachers’ dais was empty as everybody slept off the previous night’s…

17: A Woman Possessed

By the time Delilah had changed her robes, sluiced the dried blood from her skin and daubed the excitingly familiar-smelling Dermorestorative Poultice on her neck, she realised lunch had already finished, and she had to…

18: Under the Table

Delilah sat cross-legged on her bed with the remaining contents of George’s package in front of her, picking them up one by one. The problem was that most of the items required two-party consent: the…

19: Ariadne’s Thread

When her alarm clock gave a muffled trill from under her pillow at half past six, Delilah sprang out of bed as though she’d been lying wide awake, waiting for its permission to get up….